Fusee-powered antique

I cannot overstate how highly I recommend Mechanical Wonders and its owner Efim Shargorodsky. Recently, my son, his fiancée and I embarked on a journey to purchase an early fusee-powered antique singing bird box as a surprise birthday present for my wife. After conducting background research that included making numerous phone calls to people dealing in singing bird boxes, I came to learn that Efim was one of the very few people within the US that has the expertise necessary to repair and service early fusee-powered singing bird boxes such as those manufactured by Frères Rochat and Charles Bruguierin the early-to mid-nineteenth century. The recommendations Efim’s peers provided for Efim were both enthusiastic and glowing. Based upon these recommendations, I contacted Efim to find out what corresponding options regarding servicing and repair he offered and if he might know of any examples of these rare early singing bird boxes available for sale. On the basis of my very first conversation with Efim, I quickly learned that I had made a very wise choice in contacting Mechanical Wonders to pursue this purchase.I was immediately impressed with Efim’s competence and knowledge. Efim was very helpful and transparent and indicated that,while he sometimes has antique singing bird boxes available for sale,he is very flexible in the services he offers and would be more than willing to service and restore a box if I were to purchase one elsewhere. After discussing my preferences and budget, Efim moreover indicated that while he did not currently have any boxes available that met my requirements, he would be willing to make some calls to contacts to see if he could locate a suitable candidate and get back to me if he had any success.Within several days, Efim contacted me with a candidate box. Efim sent me many images of the box, both the case and movement, and graciously, and promptly, responded when I requested additional information. As the box was not currently running, Efim indicated that his quoted sale price for the box, which was a very fair price based upon competitors’ offerings, would include full servicing and restoration to bring the box back to its full original mechanical functionality. Most surprising, Efim indicated that he would not increase his price of the box even if the amount of work required to get the box running again exceeded his estimate, that he would not require any deposit to start the work and, after he had completed his restoration, if I was not completely pleased with the finished result, I was not under any obligation at that point to complete the purchase.After restoration of the box was completed over a several weeks, Efim sent me more images of the box and videos of its operation. It was a beautiful box and we completed the purchase. The box was then incredibly safely packed by Efim and was delivered to my residence in perfect condition. Efim followed his ship mentand contacted me after delivery to verify the box had arrived safely and in working order.I can unequivocally state that dealing with Mechanical Wonders and Efim Shargorodsky has been one of the most pleasurable and stress-free experiences in my almost half-century of collecting fine art. To end, I will quote from my beginning. I cannot overstate how highly I recommend Mechanical Wonders and its owner Efim Shargorodsky.

John S. Staral, Ph.D

Efim Shargorodsky